About Us

Social Learning without limitations


Learning has always been a social event. Most of what we learn we have learned by doing and by interacting with others. It is like the conversations we hold around the water cooler, they are not intended but sometimes bring us more valuable information than a formal training event.

When you consider the systems we use today for learning and performance management ( LMS, CRM, HRM , .. ), they border on anti-social and leave us feeling chained to our desks.

The Learnscape has developped specific learning and e-coaching widgets for the IglooSoftware Social Intranet Platform. IgooSoftware is a web-based platform for collaborating at work. Social Learning means using this digital workplace to share files, find answers, solve problems, locate information and expertise to tap into the collective knowledge of your customers, partners and peers, virtually anywhere.

The LearnScape is a natural evolution for the way we work. And it makes us much more efficient, not by replacing the productivity tools we use today, but by optimizing the flow of information between people and therefore stimulating lean and informal learning. Integrate current systems and create a hub for all your learning initiatives to make performance management effective and learning initiatives learner centric. 

No more obstacles, no more barriers, no more silos.

Our Founders

Katja Schipperheijn 

image.jpgKatja is a dedicated, ambitious and results-driven learning professional and a people connector par excellence. She holds a Master in Economic Sciences and an eMBA from Antwerp Management School. With over 15 years' experience as manager and trusted advisor for multinational companies, Katja has developed expertise in collaboration tools and knowledge sharing. In recent years she has used her experience and talent to develop lean and social learning frameworks, integrating social tools and performance management, focused on the individual. 

Katja is the Customer Success Director and CEO at ThelearnScape, responsible for needs analysis and project scoping. As a talented and intuitive resource investigator she will select and appoint the right consultant for each project and oversee implementation, remaining close to her clients to ensure their success.

contact: katja.schipperheijn@thelearnscape.com

Linda Debeuckelaer

AAEAAQAAAAAAAAMmAAAAJGI3MjUxNDExLWYyZjEtNDdlYS04MDA5LWZiMGMyZjkzYTVmNQ-1.jpgAn internet entrepreneur combining her ambitions with motherhood. Linda is passionate about everything that has to do with tech, social media and children. She combines an analytic and logical mind with freewheeling creativity. Linda brings international business development and legal expertise to the team, making mutually beneficial introductions between business partners and The LearnScape.

Linda is an eternal student and holds a Master of Law at KULeuven, a Master International Business at VLEKHO (cum laude) a Master International Business Transactions at the Nyenrode Business Universiteit (cum laude) and is Fluent in Dutch, French, German, Spanish and Italian.

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